Meet the Team

Teacher Learning Support Assistant
Headteacher Mrs Helen Bearman
Chestnut Class Mrs Sarah Meyrick Mrs Donna Ford
Mrs Michelle Parks
Mrs Georgina Astley
Cherry Blossom Class Mrs Nicola Cuthill Mrs Marion Colebrooke
Pine Class Mr Courtenay Caston Mrs Rebecca Smith
Mrs Michelle Parks
Willow Class Mrs Rebekah Edwards / Mrs Rebecca Gale Mrs Gay Stanbury
Oak Class Mr John Hall-Galley Mrs Kirsty O’Leary
SENCO Mrs Rebecca Gale
Outdoor Learning Mrs Gay Stanbury
Mentoring/ Nurture Mrs Marion Colebrooke KS1
Mrs Georgina Astley KS2 and Mental Health Champion
After School Club Ms Eve O’Connor
Mr Brodie Clarke
Mrs Heidi Harrison

Office Staff

Mrs Diane Knight - Office Manager

Dr David Hibberd - IT technician

Premises Staff

Mrs Tracy Hindry - Caretaker

Mr Mike Bearman - Caretaker

Mrs Kim Platton - Cleaner

Midday Supervisors

Mrs Marion Colebrooke

Mrs Rebecca Smith

Mrs Michelle Parks

Mrs Donna Ford

Kitchen Staff

Mrs Tracy Hindry – Cook

Mrs Kerry Clarke – Assistant

Breakfast Club

Mrs Kerry Clarke

The school is fortunate to have lots of regular parent helpers too.