Oak Class

Mr Hall-Galley

We are looking forward to another exciting school year in Oak Class as we welcome both new and returning faces to our classroom. Here’s what’s in store for the first half-term of 2024/25:

Reading - Our class text for this half term is Wolf Brother by Michelle Paver. Wolf Brother tells the story of Torak as he voyages to the Mountain of the World Spirit to try and overcome the threat of a Demon Bear. Set in the Stone Age, the book is crammed full of wonderful description and we will be focusing on how the author creates pace and suspense in the action sequences within the story. In our Non-fiction text we will be reading a range of information texts that will support the children in their learning of our history topic, the Vikings. Finally, in our poetry unit, we will be taking a close look at Led Zeppelin’s Norse-mythology-inspired song, the Immigrant Song, and asking what impression the lyrics give us of the Vikings.

Writing – To begin the year, the children will be learning about nouns and verbs, including how to write in each of the simple, perfect and progressive tenses. We will then be revising and consolidating our knowledge of single-clause and multi-clause sentences before moving on to write our first narrative of the year, the focus of which will be building suspense and changing pace during action scenes. For our Non-Fiction piece we will be creating an information report about an aspect of Viking life.

Maths – The 1st part of the half-term will be spent consolidating and revising our place value, including learning how to read and write numbers up to 10,000,000 and how to round numbers to a given range

In PE, We will be looking at personal skills and how we can persevere and keep trying, even when things are difficult. This unit of work lends itself well to our school value of resilience as the children face up to the challenges of Upper Key Stage 2. During lessons, we will also be looking to improve our ball skills and our use of footwork. Our Humanities work will take our minds off to Scandinavia and towards those most savage of invaders, the Vikings! We will explore their daily lives and their beliefs, and we will even explore if they were indeed as savage as they are portrayed to be. As our new ‘round-robin’ timetable begins in Key Stage 2, the children will be taught Computing and Music by Mr Caston, where they will be consolidating IT skills and learning about film scores respectively. Mrs Edwards will be taking the children for  Re and World Views, where they will be studying how people from various religions display their commitment to their faith. Mrs Edwards will also be teaching the children how to describe themselves and others in French. Mrs Gale will once again be teaching science to Oak Class and will begin by teaching the children about states of matter. To end the weeks, Mrs O’Leary will be teaching the children how to draw in a space-inspired project, in Art and Design.

We are really looking forward to a great first half-term, and an even better 2024/25!