
An important part of our work is to ensure that our teaching matches the needs of our pupils. Through assessing their progress, we can ensure that appropriate work is planned for the next stages in the children’s learning.

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

A new ‘Baseline Assessment’ was introduced for all children in Reception in September 2015. This will take place during the first few weeks in school. Throughout their first year at school, children are continually assessed in the 6 areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework, beginning with the prime areas of learning and leading on to the specific areas of learning.  This assessment is mainly carried out through observations by the Class Teacher or Teaching Assistant, of practical activities in which the children are involved. This assessment is recorded using an online learning diary which parents are able to access from home, and add to.

Key Stage One (Years 1 and 2) & Key Stage 2 (Years 3-6)

Ongoing teacher assessment is used to help identify and meet children’s learning needs. Regular, supportive feedback is embedded into our daily practice, helping children to learn and improve their skills.

In line with government requirements, Year 2 pupils are assessed in May/June, with outcomes being reported to parents and the Local Authority. These assessments are informed by ongoing formative assessment by the Class Teacher, as well as the use of KS1 test materials in Reading and Maths.

In May Year 6 children take the National SAT tests in Reading, SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) and Maths. These are reported to parents and the Local Authority. New tests were introduced in 2016 in line with the introduction of a New National Curriculum.

From September 2015, the new National Curriculum no longer contained assessment by levels of attainment. In common with all other schools, we have developed new ways to assess without levels, according to Age Related Expectations (AREs). Progress towards Age Related Expectations is shared with parents at Parent Meetings in the Autumn and Spring Term, as well as end of year School Reports sent home in July.

At Aldborough we value progress and attainment in all areas of school life, but it is not possible to show statistical evidence for subjects such as PE, the Arts and PSHE. We celebrate the whole range of children’s achievements in newsletters, assemblies, school performances and at special events during the year.